Entered VIN

JTM R63FV8 0D09 9041

Vehicle detected

General information

Make Toyota
Model RAV 4
Model year 2020
Body style 5 Doors SUV
Engine type 2.5L 2WD
Fuel type Gasoline
Manufactured in Japan


Manufacturer Toyota Motor Corp
Adress line 1 1 Toyota-cho Toyota -Shi
Adress line 2 471-8571 Aichi-Ken
Region Asia
Country Japan
Note Manufacturer builds more than 500 vehicles per year

Vehicle specification

Body type SUV
Number of doors 5
Number of seats 5
Displacement SI 2487
Displacement CID 152
Displacement Nominal 2.5
Engine HorsePower 178
Engine KiloWatts 131
Fuel type Gasoline
Driveline 2WD
