Entered VIN

KLA SF69A1 3B04 8157

Vehicle detected

General information

Make Daewoo
Model Kalos / Aveo
Model year 2003
Trim level T200
Body style 3/5 Doors Hatch
Engine type 1.4
Fuel type Gasoline
Vehicle class Subcompact Car
Vehicle type Passenger car
Manufactured in South Korea


Manufacturer GM Daewoo Auto & Technology
Adress line 1 199-1 Cheocheon-Dong
Adress line 2 Bupyuong-Gu
Region Asia
Country South Korea
Note Manufacturer builds more than 500 vehicles per year

Vehicle specification

Body type Hatch
Number of doors 3/5
Number of seats 5
Displacement SI 1399
Displacement CID 85
Displacement Nominal 1.4
Engine HorsePower 83
Engine KiloWatts 61
Fuel type Gasoline
Emission standard Euro 3
