Entered VIN
NLA FC1540 HW00 2016
Vehicle detected
General information
Make | Honda |
Model | Civic |
Model year | 1987 |
Body style | 3/5 Doors Hatchback |
Engine type | 1.5 |
Fuel type | Gasoline |
Vehicle class | Compact Car |
Vehicle type | Passenger car |
Manufactured in | Turkey |
Manufacturer | Honda Turkiye AS |
Adress line 1 | Ataturk Mahallesi Turgut Ozal |
Adress line 2 | Caddesi No 123 Sekerpinar |
Region | Asia |
Country | Turkey |
Note | Manufacturer builds more than 500 vehicles per year |
Vehicle specification
Body type | Hatchback |
Number of doors | 3/5 |
Number of seats | 5 |
Displacement SI | 1498 |
Displacement CID | 91 |
Displacement Nominal | 1.5 |
Engine HorsePower | 182 |
Engine KiloWatts | 134 |
Fuel type | Gasoline |