Entered VIN

VF1 JLECB6 6Y11 3150

Vehicle detected

General information

Make Renault
Model Trafic
Model year 2006
Engine type 1.9L L4 SOHC 8V
Fuel type Diesel
Vehicle class Large MPV
Vehicle type Large MPV
Manufactured in France


Manufacturer Renault SAS
Adress line 1 13-15 Quai Alphonse Le Gallo
Adress line 2 Boulogne
Region Europe
Country France
Note Manufacturer builds more than 500 vehicles per year

Vehicle specification

Number of doors 5
Number of seats 5-8
Displacement SI 1870
Displacement CID 114
Displacement Nominal 1.9
Engine type L4
Engine head SOHC
Engine valves 8
Engine cylinders 4
Engine HorsePower 82-102
Engine KiloWatts 60-75
Engine aspiration Turbocharged or Supercharged
Fuel type Diesel
