Entered VIN

VSS ZZZ7NZ EV50 9210

Vehicle detected

General information

Make Seat
Model Alhambra
Model year 2013
Body style 5 Doors Van
Engine type 2.0L 2WD
Vehicle class Medium MPV
Vehicle type MPV
Manufactured in Spain


Manufacturer Sociedad Espanola De Automoviles
Adress line 1 De Turismo S.A. (SEAT)
Adress line 2 Autovia A II KM 585
Region Europe
Country Spain
Note Manufacturer builds more than 500 vehicles per year

Vehicle specification

Body type Van
Number of doors 5
Number of seats 5-7
Displacement SI 1968
Displacement CID 120
Displacement Nominal 2.0
Engine HorsePower 140-177
Engine KiloWatts 104-132
Fuel type Diesel
Emission standard Euro 5
Driveline 2WD
